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New posts in renderscript

Render script rendering is much slower than OpenGL rendering on Android

How to create Renderscript scripts on Android Studio, and make them run?

Using a SurfaceTexture filled by Camera preview as Renderscript input Allocation in Jelly Bean

How to use the Renderscript blurring effect without artifacts?

Converting Collada file to a a3d (Android3d) object

How to pass array values to and from Android RenderScript using Allocations

java android renderscript

When should we (really) use RenderScript? [closed]

android renderscript

Forcing Renderscript to run on CPU or GPU (Atleast for performance tuning purposes)

What was the real reason why Google is chosing RenderScript instead of OpenCL? [closed]

opencl renderscript

Effective blurring of camera preview

Google Plus tile animation

Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute

About RenderScript

Defect of image with ScriptIntrinsicBlur from support library

How to use ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB (converting byte[] yuv to byte[] rgba)

android renderscript

Renderscript via the support library

android.support.v8.renderscript error on ProGuard

Why doesn't rsDebug work?

android renderscript