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New posts in regex

Matching single or double quoted strings in Vim

regex vim

Need help to split string in java using regex

java regex

How do I remove a certain line which has a certain variable using regex

regex eclipse replace

remove newlines from a register in vim?

regular expression for a word

php regex

PHP/regex to parse NGINX error log

php regex

pattern matching find the greater than symbol using regular expression

Replacing consecutively empty values in a CSV file

regex perl sed

How to search/replace a bunch of text files in unix (osx)

regex macos unix sed replace

Painfully slow regular expression

c# regex parsing

replace array of words

What regular expressions does c-x c-f (opening a file) in Emacs accept?

regex emacs

Removing long words regex

php regex

file_get_contents script works with some websites but not others

How to replace all occurrences of X between Y's?

python regex perl sed

Trim consecutive duplicate characters

php regex

How to get sorted result based on residential address in oracle 10g?

sql regex oracle oracle10g

Use regexp to filter for question mark (?) parameter in url and add either ? or &

Validate and filter email address with RegEx?

Python Regex MULTILINE option not working correctly?