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New posts in regex-group

Nginx location's regex, is escaping the forward slash needed?

JavaScript regex back references returning an array of matches from single capture group (multiple groups)

using regular expression substitution command to insert leading zeros in front of numbers less than 10 in a string of filenames

How exactly does this recursive regex work?

Replace all occurrences of the Tab character within double quotes

c# regex regex-group

emacs function re-search-forward interpreting \( \) group characters literally in regexp

regex emacs regex-group

Regex named groups in R

Regex with ? for a set of words

java regex regex-group

RegEx for extracting a value from Open3.popen3 stdout

regex ruby regex-group

How golang replace string by regex group? [duplicate]

regex go regex-group

Regex parsing from delimited string with sequential groups

Regex and proper capture using .matches .Concat in C#

c# regex match regex-group

Why does .NET's regex engine behave so bizarrely when I omit the "else" from a conditional group?

Regex not capturing matching in expected groups

java regex regex-group

Why sed doesn't print an optional group?

replace number greater than 5 digits in a text

Extract groups matched regex to array in scala

Find out which group matches in Java regex without linear search?

java regex regex-group

Powershell: Replacing regex named groups with variables

using regex g flag in java

java regex regex-group