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New posts in reflection

How to determine the attached type from within a custom attribute?

How do I know when an interface is directly implemented in a type ignoring inherited ones?

c# reflection interface

Java.lang.reflect.Proxy returning another proxy from invocation results in ClassCastException on assignment

Insert code into a method - Java

How to invoke System.Linq.Enumerable.Count<> on IEnumerable<T> using Reflection?

What does the MVC framework do to avoid low performance that it inherits from the heavy use of reflection

Default parameters and reflection: if ParameterInfo.IsOptional then is DefaultValue always reliable?

.NET reflection - converting array-type property value into comma-separated string

.net arrays reflection

What is the fastest way to check a type?

Java reflection: implement interface and pass to another class

How do I get CallerFilePath and CallerLineNumber without using the CallerInfo attributes?

Java prevent calling private or protected methods outside of class

java reflection private

GSON Custom serialization with annotations

How do I print both an expression and its value in Rust?

Reflection - Method::getGenericReturnType no generic - visbility

PHP runtime class modification

php oop reflection class dynamic

How to manipulate at runtime the invocation list of a Delegate?

How to determine where Assembly.Load() searches for assemblies?

c# .net reflection

Wrong number of arguments invoking a Scala constructor using reflection

reflection scala scala-2.8

TypeDescriptor.GetProperties vs. Type.GetProperties