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New posts in reflection

Assembly.GetCallingAssembly() and static constructors?

How do I get the name of a property from a property in C# (2.0)

c# reflection properties

Getting module of caller in Ruby

ruby reflection

Java reflection framework and security

java reflection

Why is it possible to load types in an unsigned assembly from a signed assembly using reflection?

Getting default value of property using php reflection

php reflection

Optimized way to get "get_Item" MethodInfo

c# reflection items methodinfo

WP7: Type.GetMethods throws MethodAccessException. Is there a workaround for this bug?

How does the syntax `new Class[]{}` work?

java reflection

Actual Method Signature Using Reflection

How can I detect a [NotMapped] annotation from PropertyInfo or MetaData?

Class<T,C> and Activator.CreateInstance

c# reflection activator

.net reflection assembly loading exception

.net reflection

Get the name of the first argument in an extension method?

Difference between Reflection and Late Binding in java with real time examples

Can I make this java pluck() method more safe?

java generics reflection

Variable Names in SWI Prolog

reflection prolog

Reflection Get Variables in Method

c# reflection

varargs and null argument

C# dynamic type causes Console.WriteLine to be resolved with reflection in IL