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cannot compile RcppArmadillo in R

r rcpp

Most efficient/vectorization when using previous calculated value (rolling)

How do I ensure R / Rcpp code is reproducible ("distributable")?

r rcpp future-proof

How to convert Rcpp::List to std::vector<double>

c++ r rcpp

Conversion of R matrices to armadillo is really slow

c++ r matrix rcpp armadillo

Trouble building R package wtih devtools when it uses RcppArmadillo

Multithreaded & SIMD vectorized Mandelbrot in R using Rcpp & OpenMP

In Rcpp, how to get a user-defined structure from C into R


RcppArmadillo Compile Errors on OS X Mavericks

xcode r rcpp

sourceCpp from Rcpp giving weird compilation error on canonical example

c++ r rcpp

Why is the Rcpp implementation in my example much slower than the R function?

r rcpp

Why does Rccp return a list-like output when I was expecting a dataframe output in R?

c++ r rcpp

Selecting a non-contiguous submatrix in Rcpp

c++ r rcpp

conversion from ‘arma::umat’ to ‘arma::mat’

c++ matrix rcpp armadillo

Speeding up computation of Dice coefficient in C / Rcpp

c++ performance r algorithm rcpp

rep_each in Rcpp sugar

r rcpp

min and max in Rcpp programs

r rcpp

problem with sum function after inplace editing using Rcpp

r sum rcpp

C++ and R interface, getting output

c++ r rcpp

Rewriting slow R function in C++ & Rcpp

c++ r vector rcpp