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Rails Tutorial Ch. 9 Exercise 6: Expected response to be a <redirect>, but was <200>

@users variable empty. forget to pass the collection object for will_paginate?

bundle exec rake test throwing error

railstutorial.org gems/notiffany-0.1.1/lib/notiffany/notifier/tmux/client.rb:12:in `version': undefined method


Rspec tests for administrative 'delete' links fail. Michael Hartl's ROR 3.2 Tutorial - Chapter 9.4.2

RSpec fails testing [closed]

Rails Tutorial - 2.5.2 Can't get validaiton exercise to work

Error installing Ruby on Rails 4.0 - atomic_reference.c Error 71

Michael Hartl Rails Tutorial chapter 7 error Action not found in UsersController

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'webkit' of undefined

jquery railstutorial.org

Is it possible to create a new rails app with a rails version that we haven't installed yet?

railstutorial.org, Chapter 6. unknown attribute: password

Factory Girl vs. User.create -- what's the difference?

Rails 4 server fails, Ruby 2.0 segmentation fault, Abort trap 6

Add tests for dependent :destroy in the Relationship model (Chapter 11, Exercise 1 Rails Tutorial, 2nd Ed)

Undefined method 'patch' for #<Rspec::Core - Rails Tutorial Chapter 9

rails generate - "Could not find generator"

I'm using RVM, what is the difference between using bundle install and rvm bundle install?

Rails Tutorial: RSpec test decoupling

Inconsistency between if + else and if -> unless