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rails generate - "Could not find generator"

I am following the Ruby on Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl. In section 6.3.1, I am trying to generate a migration file to add a Password field to my user model. Here is the code that I run:

rails generate add_passsword_digest_to_users password_digest:string

but this throws the error: Could not find generator add_passsword_digest_to_users.

i have used the rails generate command before and it worked perfectly. I'm not sure why I am getting this problem now.

version: Rails 3.2.8, ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]

like image 958
Ayrton Senna Avatar asked Oct 05 '12 00:10

Ayrton Senna

1 Answers


rails generate migration add_passsword_digest_to_users password_digest:string

You simply forgot migration which is the generator to use for the other arguments.

like image 120
mbillard Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 19:11
