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New posts in rails-i18n

How to internationalize string in coffeescript with i18n value?

Translations of column in same table

Inverse translation with rails-i18n

Translate controller action_name in Rails 4

Rails i18n is showing two languages at the same time

ruby-on-rails rails-i18n

Why does Rails I18n.t in asset pipline file not work?

I18n::MissingTranslationData: translation missing: en.faker error when seeding db

Rails 4: ActiveRecord-style I18n on a non-ActiveRecord object?

Is there a I18n on a Rails+Vue.js instance which share locales in a single repository?

How can I display a translation of a database column name as a table heading in a view, Rails 3

Rails i18n list of items and looping in view

ruby-on-rails rails-i18n

Submit button helper with I18n.t

i18n with Enumerize gem

App cannot access translation files in engine or gem

ruby-on-rails rails-i18n

Rails 4 i18n, how to translate routes where subdomain is used for the locale

Locale not switching in Rails 4

Rails 5: Can you pluralize two words in a string with two different counts?

i18n Routing To Mounted Engine - Ignoring locale

Override rails translations helper