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New posts in rails-i18n

Rails locale not persistent

I18n.t Translation Missing Default Value Nil

Rails 4 parse a date in a different language

I18n translation with i18n-active_record: same form for same key

Is it possible to have hyphens in a yaml key for use in my I18n en.yml file?

Rails 5 I18n default_locale and fallback locale

How can I define a Map with arbitrary keys in a Swagger model

Rails translate custom base error

ruby-on-rails rails-i18n

How do I translate placeholder text in Rails 4?

i18n for select boxes

Rails does not permit changing locale

I18N translate "." or "%" causes a full array of ALL translations

ruby-on-rails rails-i18n

Page needs to be refreshed after switching locale for Blacklight label to translate

Rails commands in home directory result in "i18n gem is not available" error

Rails: if validation fail, shows error "I18n::InvalidLocaleData - can not load translations from simple_form.en.yml"

Rails I18n-js: missing translation

How do I recursively flatten a YAML file into a JSON object where keys are dot separated strings?

Rails Devise I18n Flash Messages with Twitter Bootstrap

Changing devise_invitable mailer subject

Using the gem globalize, how to switch locales for input only and not the whole page?