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New posts in rails-api

undefined local variable or method `flash' for #<Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController:0x007fb5d1741e48>

Functional testing of a JSON Rails API

Rails 4 + Devise + Rails API: undefined method 'flash'

Rails 5 api - undefined method `user_url'

ruby-on-rails rails-api

Rails Devise API - Login route responds with `You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.`

Using Rails 5 (the API flag) and getting no route error despite route declared

Ember.js Authentication Token for Ember-Data + AMS => JSON or HTTP Header?

Advantages of using OAuth Password Credentials Grant over Token Access Authentication

How to use view helpers with rails-api gem?

Rails 4 — How to populate a user model from JSON API?

Jbuilder not working with gem rails-api

What is the difference between a regular Rails app and a Rails API?

Google/Facebook OAuth2 in Rails Front-end app with rails-api as webservice

How do I get exceptions to render a plain text version of the Rails development error page?

API Documentation tool for Rails 5 [closed]

How do I select which attributes I want for active model serializers relationships

ActionController::RoutingError: uninitialized constant Api::V1::ApiController

Rails Webpacker or Vue-CLI?

Rails api gem and devise token authentication