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New posts in rails-activejob

Is Mongoid::Document a GlobalID::Identification for ActiveJobs?

Rails, ActiveJobs and AWS SQS: what happen to my jobs when a worker instance is killed?

rspec rails testing: how can I force ActiveJob job's to run inline for certain tests?

Should you still pass only the object id when using ActiveJob?

How to access perform parameters in ActiveJob rescue

ActiveJob::SerializationError - Unsupported argument type: Time / DateTime

Rails 4.2 get delayed job id from active job

How do I filter or remove logging of ActiveJob arguments?

How can I run an ActiveJob in Rails console for debugging?

SerializationError Rails ActiveJob Time and Date

How to properly test ActiveJob's retry_on method with rspec?

Rails 4.2: using deliver_later with a tableless model

Rails 4.2 - Sidekiq not sending emails in development

Difference between Action Job/Mailer's `deliver_now` and `deliver_later`

Disable automatic retry with ActiveJob, used with Sidekiq

How to check what is queued in ActiveJob using Rspec

How do I schedule recurring jobs in Active Job (Rails 4.2)?

Sidekiq Rails 4.2 Use Active Job or Worker? What's the difference

How to test ActionMailer deliver_later with rspec