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Sidekiq Rails 4.2 Use Active Job or Worker? What's the difference

This is my first processing jobs asynchronously I am implementing Sidekiq for background processing in my app. I will use it for reminder emails and in-app notifications. I am confused as to whether I should use Active Job to create a job that sends an email or a Sidekiq Worker to send an email. They seem to do the same thing and Rails 4.2 Active Job seems very new…is it replacing the need for a Sidekiq Worker?

Below is the same sending a mailer code using an Active Job job and a Sidekiq Worker. I am using Whenever gem for scheduling.


class MyMailers < ActionMailer::Base    def some_mailer(r.user_id)     @user = User.find(r.user_id)     mailer_name = "ROUNDUP"     @email = @user.email     @subject ="subject text"     mail(to: @email,        subject: @subject,         template_path: '/notifer_mailers',        template_name: 'hourly_roundup.html',       )   end end 

Using a Sidekiq "Worker"

class SomeWorker   include Sidekiq::Worker    def perform()     @user = User.all     @reminders = @user.reminders.select(:user_id).uniq.newmade     @reminders.each do |r|       MyMailers.some_mailer(r.user_id).deliver_later     end   end  end 

Using an Active Job "Job"

class SomeJob < ActiveJob::Base   queue_as :mailer    def perform()     @user = User.all     @reminders = @user.reminders.select(:user_id).uniq.newmade     @reminders.each do |r|       MyMailers.some_mailer(r.user_id).deliver_later     end   end  end 

Both Examples in my Whenever scheduler schedule.rb

require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment") set :path, Rails.root set :output, Rails.root.join('log', 'cron.log')  #using a worker every 1.day, :at => '4:30 am' do   runner SomeWorker.perform_async end  #using a job every 1.day, :at => '4:30 am' do   runner SomeJob.perform_async end 
like image 823
NothingToSeeHere Avatar asked Apr 28 '15 17:04


People also ask

What is a worker in Sidekiq?

Workarea applications use Sidekiq as a job queuing backend to perform units of work asynchronously in the background. These jobs, which include search indexing, cache busting, and cleanup of expired data, are defined as workers .

How many jobs can Sidekiq handle?

Sidekiq handles concurrency by using multiple threads in its process. This way, it can process multiple jobs at once, each thread processing one job at a time. By default, Sidekiq uses 10 threads per process. You can configure it to use more threads, thus increasing concurrency.

Should I use Activejob Sidekiq?

If you build a web application you should minimize the amount of time spent responding to every user; a fast website means a happy user.

2 Answers

Short answer is they are the same thing. ActiveJob calls it a Job whereas Sidekiq calls it a Worker. I've decided to keep the terminology different so that people can distinguish the two.

You can use either one. Note that ActiveJob does not provide access to the full set of Sidekiq options so if you want to customize options for your job you might need to make it a Worker.

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Mike Perham Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

Mike Perham

Rails 4.2 added ActiveJob to unify the jobs API but to run it asynchronously you need a background handler, this is where the sidekiq comes from.

Sidekiq already has its worker class but it also implemented the new active job class, so it can work either way.

However, the good thing about active job is that you can change the background handler without the need to change your code, provided they both support the features you want (eg: handling jobs at a certain time; having multiple priority queues).

There's a rails api guide here that contains a good comparison for handlers that support active job, including each handler's supported features. Here's the comparison table if you're too lazy to check the link:

|                   | Async | Queues | Delayed   | Priorities | Timeout | Retries | |-------------------|-------|--------|-----------|------------|---------|---------| | Backburner        | Yes   | Yes    | Yes       | Yes        | Job     | Global  | | Delayed Job       | Yes   | Yes    | Yes       | Job        | Global  | Global  | | Qu                | Yes   | Yes    | No        | No         | No      | Global  | | Que               | Yes   | Yes    | Yes       | Job        | No      | Job     | | queue_classic     | Yes   | Yes    | No*       | No         | No      | No      | | Resque            | Yes   | Yes    | Yes (Gem) | Queue      | Global  | Yes     | | Sidekiq           | Yes   | Yes    | Yes       | Queue      | No      | Job     | | Sneakers          | Yes   | Yes    | No        | Queue      | Queue   | No      | | Sucker Punch      | Yes   | Yes    | No        | No         | No      | No      | | Active Job Inline | No    | Yes    | N/A       | N/A        | N/A     | N/A     | | Active Job        | Yes   | Yes    | Yes       | No         | No      | No      | 
like image 38
Mohammad AbuShady Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

Mohammad AbuShady