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New posts in racket

Difference between multiple values and plain tuples in Racket?

How do I calculate non-natural logarithms in Racket?

lisp scheme racket

Transpose a matrix in racket (list of lists

How Do For Loops Work In Scheme?

for-loop scheme racket

How to Merge 2 lists into one in racket

scheme racket

Creating an empty list in Racket

list racket null

Match if two values in an unorded list are the same

"unbound identifier in module" error in Racket


what determines the outer boundary of a Scheme continuation?

scheme racket continuations

What is the definition of "top-level-form" in Racket


Why does Racket report that π is rational?

racket rational-numbers

Racket Objective-C FFI - avoid redefining a class


Importing and visualizing pictures in racket without using DrRacket

image lisp racket

What does DrRacket mean by reverse video in the definitions window (after pressing Run)?


Does Racket support multithreading?

multithreading racket

Why does a set (or list) in Racket print with #0# as the only piece of data?

data-structures set racket

When should I use syntax/loc instead of #' (aka syntax)?


How do I force the field of a struct to be of some type?


Can I write a constructor for a Scheme (Racket) struct that takes a variable number of arguments?