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New posts in rack

You have already activated rack 1.6.0, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.6.4. Prepending `bundle exec` to your command may solve this. (Gem::LoadError)

How do I get the Sinatra app instance that's being tested by rack-test?

What does a rack handler do exactly?

ruby rack

How to POST data in Rack::Test

ruby sinatra rack

Sinatra + Rack::Test + Rspec2 - Using Sessions?

How to inject http_authorization headers using omniauth and oauth2 in consumer so the authentication occurs in provider?

no such file to load -- rack

ruby-on-rails gem rack

Can I get the base URL of my Rack service outside of a request handler?

ruby rack

How do I turn off exceptions in a Rack app?

ruby rack

Serving non-public binary files from a Rack application

ruby rack

How can I make nginx return a static response and send request headers to app?

ruby nginx rack high-load

How to set the env['SERVER_NAME'] in rack/test?

ruby rspec sinatra rack webmock

What's the Rails.root equivalent in a Rack application?


Why Rails change Set-Cookie header every request for the same session

sinatra and http PUT

ruby sinatra rack

How do I set/get session vars in a Rack app?

ruby session rack

Any way to serve gzip assets from heroku?

Streaming data from Sinatra/Rack application

ruby sinatra rack

How to dump an HTTP request from within Sinatra?

ruby sinatra rack

Can't get rack-cors working in rails application

ruby-on-rails ruby rack cors