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Qt: passing variables to subprojects

QT QML resource files do not recompile after changes

qt build resources qml qmake

How to run custom commands during `make uninstall` from qmake in QT5?

c++ qt makefile qt5 qmake

What's the preferred way to include QML sources in your application build?

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Using QMAKE to build a both 32 and 64 bits versions of project

qt 32bit-64bit qmake

What is Qt Bare Metal?

Add preprocessor definition only for Release build in Qt Creator


qt qmake

Compiler scope values in qmake

c++ qt scope qmake

What is the point of Artifactory or Nexus, and how might I use them?

How to get QMake to copy large data files only if they are updated

qt-creator qmake

qmake command to copy files and folders into output directory

windows qt qmake xcopy

How to specify auto-generated resource files to Qmake?

qt resources qt4 qmake

Qt 5.3. QtWidgets: No such file or directory #include <QtWidgets>

c++ qt qt5 qmake qtwidgets

Convert Unix path to windows in QMake Script

qmake processes my pro-file three times instead of one

qt qmake vcproj

QMake adding in extra "-std=gnu++11" when I use build kits that compile with Clang, which overides my .pro flag addition "-std=c++17"

qmake rules for generated code

qt qmake

Configuring variable DESTDIR in qmake

build qmake

what do $$PWD and . mean in .pro in qt

qt qmake