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New posts in python-packaging

yum install specific version of python package

how to prevent Poetry to consider .gitignore

How to get a list of version numbers for python packages released up until a specific date?

mypy "Incompatible import" error for conditional imports

Cython C-level interface of package: *.pxd files are not found

How can I get files within the tests in Python?

How to downgrade the boto3 version in an AWS Lambda Function

How to include examples or test programs in a package?

Is it possible to make the imports within `__init__.py` visible for python `help()` command?

How to import from sibling module in a package?

What form of imports should I use in __main__.py and then how should I run the project?

How to specify external system dependencies to a Python package?

How to have persistent storage for a PYPI package

How do I read project dependencies from pyproject.toml from my setup.py, to avoid duplicating the information in both files?

How to import a module but ignoring the package's __init__.py?

python setuptools compile fortran code and make an entry points

My RST README is not formatted correctly on PyPi

How to edit a wheel package (.whl)?

Python setuptools/distutils custom build for the `extra` package with Makefile