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New posts in aws-lambda-layers

libtensorflow.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Is it possible to download the contents of a public Lambda layer from AWS given the ARN?

Is it possible to add paths to the PATH environment variable through serverless.yml?

When using AWS Lambda Layers shall I prefer multiple layers or a single layer with all the dependencies?

pysftp library not working in AWS lambda layer

How to downgrade the boto3 version in an AWS Lambda Function

AWS: Layer code not found when using "sam invoke local"

AWS: Delete lambda layer still retains layer version history

Latest Lambda Layer ARN

SAM build - does it also build layers?

Can I import typescript types from a Lambda Layer?

"Runtime.ImportModuleError" trying to access npm package in an AWS lambda function using layers

AWS lambda layers error when call API "cannot find module"

Is it a good idea to use Python SQLAlchemy in AWS Lambda?

Are old AWS Lambda layers automatically removed? If not, how to delete them?

Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named 'pandas'