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New posts in python-internals

Internals for python tuples

Python: understanding iterators and `join()` better

python python-internals

Why do new style class and old style class have different behavior in this case?

How to call tempfile.mkstemp() with "with"? - or why doesn't it return an fd with __exit__()?

Python swapping lists

Memory usage of Python base types (particulary int and float)

Does Slicing `a` (e.g. `a[1:] == a[:-1]`) create copies of the `a`?

python 2 vs python 3 performance of random, particularly `random.sample` and `random.shuffle`

Does converting from bytearray to bytes incur a copy?

Updating a set while iterating over its elements

'is' operator behaves unexpectedly with floats

How is exception handling implemented in Python?

Imports behave differently when in __init__.py that is imported

Why does the OrderedDict keys view compare order-insensitive?

Why is bytearray not a Sequence in Python 2?

Implementation of NoneType, Reasons and Details

Why does `mylist[:] = reversed(mylist)` work?

Integer File Descriptor "0" in open()

tuples as function arguments

Python source code for built-in "in" operator