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New posts in python-internals

Accessing the name that an object being created is assigned to

python python-internals

Set the value of an argument in a class who inherits from int or float or str

Is subclassing from object the same as defining type as metaclass?

Python dictionary iterator performance

what are count0, count1 and count2 values returned by the Python gc.get_count()

why does a call to locals() add a reference?

Why are non integral builtin types allowed in python slices?

in-place replacement in StringIO

How and when are python @properties evaluated

What's the difference between a 'function', 'method' and 'bound method' in Python 3?

How does the Python compiler preprocess the source file with the declared encoding?

Why does a numpy array have 96 bytes of overhead?

Why does refs increase 2 for every new object in Python?

Writing (and not) to global variable in Python

Unexpected Behavior of itertools.groupby

Source code for str.split?

How Does String Conversion Between PyUnicode String and C String Work? [closed]

Embedding Python in C: Error in linking - undefined reference to PyString_AsString

class attribute lookup rule?

python python-internals

Why does Python2.7 dict use more space than Python3 dict?