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New posts in stringio

Is Python cStringIO thread-safe?

StringIO portability between python2 and python3 when capturing stdout

pysftp putfo creates an empty file on SFTP server but not streaming the content from StringIO

lxml.etree.iterparse closes input file handler?

python stringio iterparse

Including base64-encoded image in ReportLab-generated PDF

Should we use pandas.compat.StringIO or Python 2/3 StringIO?

Numpy array from cStringIO object and avoiding copies

python numpy stringio

scikit-image save image to a bytestring

How can I clear a `StringIO` instance?

ruby stringio

Ruby Mock a file with StringIO

ruby file-io mocking stringio

Create image from RGB list with Pillow and Python 3

StringIO with binary files?

python string file stringio

python sys.stdout and C++ iostreams::cout

c++ python stdout stringio

python 2.7 / exec / what is wrong?

Storing image using open URI and paperclip having size less than 10kb

in-place replacement in StringIO

python PIL image how to save image to a buffer so can be used later?

python io gridfs stringio

Is it possible to rewind a python StringIO in-memory file?

python stringio