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New posts in python-internals

Why is iterating over a dict so slow?

Python, what is the object method of built-in id()?

PEP 424 __length_hint__() - Is there a way to do the same for generators or zips?

Python Array Memory Footprint versus List

The __getattribute__ method and descriptors

What happens when you try to delete a list element while iterating over it

Does Python's 'in' operator for lists have an early-out for successful searches

Why is for _ in range(n) slower than for _ in [""]*n?

python python-internals

Modifying a dictionary while iterating over it. Bug in Python dict?

Why int variable id's in python 2.7 are equal only until 256? [duplicate]

Why are Python lists implemented as dynamic arrays instead of ring buffers?

Interesting performance of creating objects via normal class, data class and named tuple

Why doesn't QtConsole echo next()?

Non-monotonic memory consumption in Python2 dictionaries

In-place custom object unpacking different behavior with __getitem__ python 3.5 vs python 3.6

Python 3.3 C-API and UTF-8 Strings

Python import shadowing different between 3.4.6 and 3.5.2

Is it possible to restore corrupted “interned” bytes-objects

Given a dict iterator, get the dict

Two instances of the same Python module?