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New posts in python-c-api

C array to PyArray

Limitations of PyTuple_SetItem

python c tuples python-c-api

Is there any benefit to using Py_DECREF instead of Py_XDECREF for Python C Extensions?

Multithreading with Python and C api

Build a PyObject* from a C function?

python c python-c-api

Method without return value in python c extension module

In Python, why is a module implemented in C faster than a pure Python module, and how do I write one?

python c python-c-api

What is the best way to deal with "_d" suffix for C extensions when using debug build?

Python C API: how to get string representation of exception?

How is __slots__ implemented in Python?

Passing a C pointer around with the Python/C API

python python-c-api

"AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'" when using Python.h

How to get reference count of a PyObject?

How to pass an array from C to an embedded python script

How to create a custom Python exception type in C extension?

What is the purpose of Py_DECREF and PY_INCREF?

python python-c-api

C Python: Running Python code within a context

Python C extension: method signatures for documentation?

call C++ using Eigen Library function in python

Python C-API functions that borrow and steal references