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New posts in proto3

Key in map fields cannot be float/double, bytes or message types

grpc proto proto3 grpc-java

How to add message type as object in ProtoBuf (gRPC) - Proto3 Syntax?

Compile protobuf to use primitive classes instead of well-known types

Map List<String> with Mapstruct from Java POJO to Protobuf (proto3)

Determine which 'oneof' proto3 field is set in C#

c# protocol-buffers proto3

How to pass in json as payload in .proto

Integrating gorm.Model fields into protobuf definitions

Stopping omission of default values in Protocol Buffers

C# Google.ProtocolBuffers Deserialization Method (proto3)

generic protobuf deserializer in Java

Reading comments from .proto files using a Protocol Buffers descriptor object

Exception handling in gRPC

How can unknown field functionality be replicated in proto3?

Can a proto3 optional field be changed to repeated without breaking wire compatibility?

protocol-buffers proto3

Protocol buffer3 and json

gRPC / Protobuf interface versioning

Check if a field has been set in protocol buffer 3

golang protobuf remove omitempty tag from generated json tags

Why are there no custom default values in proto3?

protocol-buffers proto3

Why required and optional is removed in Protocol Buffers 3