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How to solve goals with invalid type equalities in Coq?

types equality proof coq

If Idris thinks things may be total that are not, can Idris be used for proofs?

proof idris totality

Handling let in hypothesis

coq proof dependent-type

How to prove (forall x, P x /\ Q x) -> (forall x, P x)

proof coq

Prove the efficiency of repeated calls to successor() in binary trees?

Using Ogden’s Lemma versus regular Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Grammars

How to prove False from obviously contradictory assumptions

coq proof

prove n = Big-O(1) using induction

How can I have Idris automatically prove that two values are not equal?

proof idris

Generalizing fold such that it becomes expressive enough to define any finite recursion?

Context Free Language Question (Pumping Lemma)

Using big-O to prove N^2 is O(2^N)

big-o proof

Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?

coq proof inversion

How to prove this invariant?

How or is that possible to prove or falsify `forall (P Q : Prop), (P -> Q) -> (Q -> P) -> P = Q.` in Coq?

Core of Verifier in Isabelle/HOL

proof isabelle

How can we prove by induction that binary search is correct?

Proving the Functor laws for free monads; am I doing it right?