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Eclipse projects in VCS

sharing code between projects in eclipse

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Problems referencing an external project from my jsp - "ExternalClass cannot be resolved to a type"

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Can I manage Multiple Clients projects with JIRA [closed]

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Logging project name dynamically with log4j?

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Is there a "ZIP project" in Visual Studio? [closed]

Android project package structure

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What is the difference between "Project References" and "Paths and Symbols -> References" in Eclipse CDT?

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Importing Existing Android Project Into Eclipse Renames Project

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Adding a dll file to a C# project

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How to use version control with Qt Creator's project settings with many users?

Making a Ruby project that is not a gem (or some other kind)

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Invoke Custom MSBuild Target on Solution File

Gradle project sync failed?

How to maintain private changes in git?

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How do you keep Xcode project source files in sync with your file system directories?

How to find a young project in GitHub? [closed]

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Adding header and .cpp files in a project built with cmake