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New posts in proguard

How to automatically generate proguard-android.txt?

android adt proguard

How to integrate Proguard obfuscation in my JavaFX's IntelliJ artifact?

Release version with proguard issues - GSON

android gson proguard

How to exclude a classes from being kept by proguard

java android proguard

Problem with Proguard and XmlPullParser

android proguard

Proguard with orrmlite - parameterized Collection

android proguard ormlite

Error while Setting of Proguard and Exporting APK

android proguard

Android BadParcelableException(Parcelable protocol requires a Parcelable.Creator object called CREATOR) only with signed apk

NineOldAndroids ObjectAnimators don't work with ProGuard and signed apk

Pass 1.1.3 - Proguard

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError inside FirebaseInitProvider.onCreate when starting app with minifyEnabled true

Running ProGuard having AQuery library

Proguard build failure with Lombok annotation library

Proguard while Butterknife library and other warnings

android: proguard obfuscating problem

When using Proguard, do you need a separate config for each referenced library?

android proguard

Android Proguard - ClassNotFoundException

Where to find the warning of `Warnings found during shrinking`?

how to use -assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log in my app

Android Studio consumerProguardFiles for the library doesn't work