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New posts in proguard

ProGuard obfuscation variable naming, how to avoid local and param prefixes?

java spring proguard

Proguard errors when exporting Android project after updating to ADT 20

android adt proguard

Can ProGuard remove conditional code from a method that ALWAYS returns a constant?

Where can I find documentation for Android build options related to proguard

Understanding Crashes & ANRs with Proguard Enabled

CardView shadow not appearing in Lollipop after obfuscate with proguard

Android Studio - ProGuard IOException Duplicate Zip Entry

Proguard warnings despite kept classes

java android proguard

Proguard failing with 25.1.6 release of Android tools

Proguard error while evaluating instruction

android build proguard

Circular reference error in firebase with R8

android:onClick not working with ProGuard

android proguard

Proguard: IllegalArgumentException: Stacks have different current sizes

android proguard

Using Spongycastle with Proguard

Proguard does not remove my logs

java android proguard

Proguard does not support Java 8?

java obfuscation proguard

Remove unused localizations from APK

Proguard shrinking causes Null Pointer Exception

android proguard

Should I keep android.support.v4.app.Fragment and its derived classes when building a release version of my app?

Problem with ProGuard and RoboGuice with @Inject annotations