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New posts in spongycastle

How can I generate a valid ECDSA EC key pair?

Android Encrypting String using RSA Public key

Create RSAPrivateKey from PEM encoded string

Equivalent of spongycastle encryption for ios

Using Spongycastle with Proguard

Jsch with spongycastle rather than bouncycastle on Android

Different RSA public key generated on Android

Compare PublicKey object in java

Export RSA public key to PEM String using java

Dealing with duplicate entries in AndroidStudio: java.util.zip.ZipException

Spongy Castle RSA Encryption/Decryption with Android Keystore

Are there advantages for using SpongyCastle over BouncyCastle, if targeting Android 3.0 and later?

Generating PublicKey from x and y values of elliptic curve point

How to include the Spongy Castle JAR in Android?