I am doing first-time Proguard setting on My Android Project and Exporting My APK File but I got Following errors:
(I also not found any proguard.cfg
file in my project root)
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Note: there were 2 duplicate class definitions.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.google.common.collect.MinMaxPriorityQueue: can't find referenced field 'int UNSET_EXPECTED_SIZE' in class com.google.common.collect.MinMaxPriorityQueue$Builder
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes$LexicographicalComparatorHolder$UnsafeComparator: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes$LexicographicalComparatorHolder$UnsafeComparator: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes$LexicographicalComparatorHolder$UnsafeComparator: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes$LexicographicalComparatorHolder$UnsafeComparator: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes$LexicographicalComparatorHolder$UnsafeComparator: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes$LexicographicalComparatorHolder$UnsafeComparator$1: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.salesman.activities.PlacesMapActivity: can't find referenced class com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.salesman.activities.PlacesMapActivity: can't find referenced class com.google.android.maps.MapController
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: com.salesman.activities.PlacesMapActivity: can't find referenced class com.google.android.maps.OverlayItem
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: there were 9 unresolved references to classes or interfaces.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] You may need to specify additional library jars (using '-libraryjars').
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Warning: there were 1 unresolved references to program class members.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Your input classes appear to be inconsistent.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] You may need to recompile them and try again.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] Alternatively, you may have to specify the option
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers'.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] java.io.IOException: Please correct the above warnings first.
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] at proguard.Initializer.execute(Initializer.java:321)
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] at proguard.ProGuard.initialize(ProGuard.java:211)
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] at proguard.ProGuard.execute(ProGuard.java:86)
[2013-08-01 10:54:42 - SalesmanTracker] at proguard.ProGuard.main(ProGuard.java:492)
**project.properties : **
# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this (available properties: sdk.dir, user.home):
# Project target.
Please tell me about the solution to that and how to do exactly the setting of proguard.
Thanks in Advance.
Finally I Got Answer with the help of this Tutorial
I have changed following things:
In project.properties: Uncomment or add this line:
Now I have used Google Library so my proguard.project.txt
will be like:
Here add your libraries which you have used in your project:
-libraryjars /libs/google-api-client-1.10.3-beta.jar
-libraryjars /libs/google-api-client-android2-1.10.3-beta.jar
-libraryjars /libs/google-http-client-1.10.3-beta.jar
-libraryjars /libs/google-http-client-android2-1.10.3-beta.jar
-libraryjars /libs/google-oauth-client-1.10.1-beta.jar
-libraryjars /libs/gson-2.1.jar
-libraryjars /libs/guava-11.0.1.jar
-libraryjars /libs/jackson-core-asl-1.9.4.jar
-libraryjars /libs/jsr305-1.3.9.jar
-libraryjars /libs/protobuf-java-2.2.0.jar
-libraryjars /libs/maps.jar
-keep class com.google.**
-dontwarn com.google.**
Then you can Export your APK using following steps:
If you have any Query then you are free to ping me :)
Thank you.
Using Maven in my case, google-api-client
brought guava-jdk5
as a dependency, causing similar problems.
Guava wiki page on Proguard suggests: https://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/UsingProGuardWithGuava
-dontwarn sun.misc.Unsafe
-dontwarn com.google.common.collect.MinMaxPriorityQueue
Add these line in your proguard-project.txt
-keep public class com.google.common.**
-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
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