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New posts in proguard

How can I check/upgrade Proguard version when using it in Eclipse for Android development?

Minify android app but do not obfuscate it

android gradle proguard

proguard Missing type parameter

android proguard

Prevent Proguard from removing empty constructor of fragment

ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: DexPathList

Keep annotated class in Proguard

android proguard roboguice

proguard-project.txt not found in android studio

Proguard ignores config file of library

Proguard - do not obfuscate Kotlin data classes

Setting up ProGuard with Android Library Projects

android proguard

Proguard returned with error code 1. See console

android proguard

Is proguard.cfg needed for library projects?

ProGuard and Gson on Android (ClassCastException)

android gson proguard

When obfuscating with ProGuard, does -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable make the resulting apk easier to reverse engineer?

java android proguard

How can I obfuscate only com.foo.* and com.bar.* (ProGuard)?

obfuscation proguard

Android release APK crash with java.lang.AssertionError: impossible in java.lang.Enum

How to use -dontwarn in ProGuard?

android proguard

How to tell ProGuard to keep private fields without specifying each field

java android proguard

Proguard and reflection in Android

ProGuard Cannot Find Referenced Libraries