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When obfuscating with ProGuard, does -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable make the resulting apk easier to reverse engineer?

I find myself needing more detail in my reported stack traces, but I'm concerned that by including the extra data (by using -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable) I'm making my app even easier to reverse engineer. Is this the case, and if so, by how much?

like image 452
wirbly Avatar asked Jul 18 '11 01:07


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How does ProGuard obfuscation work?

In the obfuscation step, ProGuard renames classes and class members that are not entry points. In this entire process, keeping the entry points ensures that they can still be accessed by their original names. The preverification step is the only step that doesn't have to know the entry points.

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How do I obfuscate an APK file?

Obfuscate APK Android ProGuard tool can be used to obfuscate , shrink , and optimize the code. ProGuard renames classes, fields, and methods with semantically obscure names and removes unused code. To obfuscate we can set the minifyEnabled true in the app/build. gradle file.

2 Answers

ProGuard manual > Examples > Producing useful obfuscated stack traces

The SourceFile attribute is required, because Oracle/Sun's Java virtual machine otherwise does not include line numbers in stack traces, which is what you really want (and which is quite harmless on its own). I haven't checked if this is true for Android's Dalvik virtual machine.

As for a solution, ProGuard can keep the SourceFile attribute but replace its contents by a meaningless string of your choice, e.g.

-renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile

The value of the string is not important for interpreting the stack traces. Picking a string like "SourceFile" avoids increasing the class file sizes, because this string is already present by definition.

like image 64
Eric Lafortune Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10

Eric Lafortune

I am not exactly sure of what happens but given the source file name contains the actual name of the class, someone could use this to map obfuscated class names into real class names. Given obfsucation already jumbles everything up why keep the source file at all ? Everything should and will still run, the debug details are not required by the runtime so it makes no sense to keep them. The more you remove the better given your goals.

like image 2
mP. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
