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New posts in proguard

Keep inner interface method names in proguard

java android proguard

In proguard, how to preserve a set of classes' method names?

java android proguard

How does DexGuard encrypt classes?

How to change the proguard mapping file name in gradle for Android project

Android Studio & ProGuard: cannot resolve symbol getDefaultProguardFile?

Obfuscate entire React Native app including JavaScript code

Android Unit Tests with proguard enabled

How to configure proguard for javascript interface?

How to tell proguard to keep enum constants and fields

java proguard obfuscation

Android Proguard configuration for the v7 Support Library ActionBar

Android ProGuard settings for Facebook

java android eclipse proguard

Using GSON with proguard enabled

Does Proguard guarantee to provide the same mapping if no source has changed?

android proguard

Android Studio proguard handling in multi-library projects

android gradle proguard

How to setup PROGUARD for Jackson JSON Processor?

can't generate signed APK from Android studio "Execution failed for task ':packageRelease'"

android gradle proguard

proguard warning: the configuration keeps the entry point....but not the descriptor class

Android/java: Transition / Migration from ProGuard to R8?

Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation

android proguard

How to include a proguard configuration in my Android library (AAR)

android gradle proguard aar