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New posts in proguard

How to reverse-engineer / decompile an Android APK which was obfuscated using ProGuard?

How to use new Android 2.0 Shrinker and set useProguard false?

Ignore proguard configuration of an external library

Unknown classes ILicensingService notes when obfuscating Android project

Proguard not working after update to Google Play Services 11.8.0

Proguard doesnt preserve the line numbers and method names in stacktrace

Proguard can't find referenced class com.google.ads.internal.state.AdState

Obfuscation causes VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame

Android Proguard skip external jar

android jar external proguard

Proguard Retrace not working with stacktrace runtime info like E/AndroidRuntime(10237):

android proguard

Obfuscating Play 2 web app on dist with Proguard?

Unable to build a release build in Kotlin

Proguard keep parameter names for interface and abstract class

android proguard

Obfuscate private fields using ProGuard

Proguard obfuscate only /WEB-INF/classes/**/*.class files in my war

java war proguard

Progruard and R8 being deprecated - Android Studio 3.6

Proguard and Kotlin-Reflect/Kotlin Annotations

how to fix proguard warning 'can't find referenced method' for existing methods 'clone' and 'finalize' of class java.lang.Object

Does proguard converts all enums to int or needs to be configured for this

android library project obfuscation