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New posts in programming-languages

Syntaxless programming language [closed]

Haskell - The Craft of Functional Programming (exercise 4.3)

Does LINQ replace regex in all cases

Figuring out the right language for the job: branching out from C#

What classes of applications or problems do you prefer Python to strictly OO Languages?

What languages other than Python have an explicit self?

Avoiding Multiple If's in c# - Best practise

what is a programming language?

Programming Languages that Make Use of Special Characters

Why only C++(and D language) provides variadic templates feature? Are variadic templates that good? [closed]

Should I use double-quotes or single-quotes for quoting strings if I want to be consistent across multiple languages?

Names of the C family of languages

c programming-languages

Which language would you port COBOL programs to and why? [closed]

Which is preferred: (var==null) or (null==var) [duplicate]


Is Lua development stagnated, or are there still new versions planned?

Platform Independent, Lightweight Programming Language


Learning & Using "old" languages (Ada/Cobol/Algol)

static in different languages

What process do you use to learn a new programming language? [closed]

What are the most valuable certification available for Programming? [closed]