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PHP, C++, etc. syntax explanation

A question concerning list accesses from a noobie functional programmer

What is a Pointer? [duplicate]

In what languages can you dynamically rewrite functions on the fly?

Does comments makes the run program slow?

Better language feature than exception handling in C++? [closed]

Scala only language with overloaded extractors?

Do you expect Javascript to become widely used outside the browser? [closed]

Library vs Language extension

Why are new programming languages shifting types to the other side?


Want a new language beside Java with strength in GUI

Are there any programming languages that support xml natively? [closed]

"or" operator without repeating the left hand condition again

C++ "OR" operator

Good languages to write a compiler for

Why differentiate between methods that return a value and methods that don't?

What is wrong with this design? Overriding or overloading of java.util.HashMap

What is the dominant reason for Python's popularity as a systems and application programming language?

What is the difference between object and instance?

C compiler from where?