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New posts in pretty-print

pretty_print in etree.tostring() xml python

python xml pretty-print

Pretty-printing a binary tree in C (and other imperative languages)

How do I avoid pretty-printing HTML in Nokogiri while using to_html?

how to pretty print source code of common languages in browser html output with javascript?

Rails - How can I display nicely indented JSON?

GDB pretty printing ImportError: No module named 'printers'

python c++ stl gdb pretty-print

Printing out a linked list using toString

How to return float number with 2 digits after decimal point?

How to log pretty printed json in PHP?

php json logging pretty-print

Pretty-printing of character strings (ensuring automatic line-breaks to stay within a given print margin)

string r pretty-print

Simple HTML Pretty Print

Format list output in Haskell?

format xml, pretty print

xml pretty-print prettify

Best pretty-printing library for Java? [closed]

java io pretty-print

Text.PrettyPrint: Starting indentation from left margin

haskell pretty-print

Changing how output is printed to the console

r pretty-print

user-defined printer in OCaml

ocaml printf pretty-print

gdb pretty printing with direct function calls

c++ python gdb pretty-print

MSXML from C++ - pretty print / indent newly created documents

xml msxml pretty-print

Is it possible to pretty print Awk's code?

awk gnu pretty-print