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Is it possible to pretty print Awk's code?

Quite often I find myself writing Awk one-liners that gain complexity over time.

I know I can always create an Awk file where to keep adding use cases, but it is certainly not as usable as changing the text on the command line.

For this: is there any way I can pretty print Awk's code, so I can make more sense out of it?

For example, given this:

awk 'flag{ if (/PAT2/){printf "%s", buf; flag=0; buf=""} else buf = buf $0 ORS}; /PAT1/{flag=1}' file

How can I get something a bit more readable?

like image 1000
fedorqui 'SO stop harming' Avatar asked Apr 18 '19 12:04

fedorqui 'SO stop harming'

1 Answers

Ed Morton showed me that GNU awk has the -o option to pretty print:

GNU Awk User's Guide, on Options


Enable pretty-printing of awk programs. Implies --no-optimize. By default, the output program is created in a file named awkprof.out (see Profiling). The optional file argument allows you to specify a different file name for the output. No space is allowed between the -o and file, if file is supplied.

NOTE: In the past, this option would also execute your program. This is no longer the case.

So the key here is to use -o, with:

  • nothing if we want the output to be stored automatically in "awkprof.out".
  • - to have the output in stdout.
  • file to have the output stored in a file called file.

See it live:

$ gawk -o- 'BEGIN {print 1} END {print 2}'
    print 1

    print 2


$ gawk -o- 'flag{ if (/PAT2/){printf "%s", buf; flag=0; buf=""} else buf = buf $0 ORS}; /PAT1/{flag=1}' file
flag {
    if (/PAT2/) {
        printf "%s", buf
        flag = 0
        buf = ""
    } else {
        buf = buf $0 ORS

/PAT1/ {
    flag = 1
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fedorqui 'SO stop harming' Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

fedorqui 'SO stop harming'