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Can you add more than one partition in one "ALTER TABLE" command?

presto amazon-athena

AWS Athena flattened data from nested JSON source

Presto unnest json

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PrestoDB: select all dates between two dates

sql presto

How can i cut the left part of the string with unknown legth? (with sql function)

sql presto sql-function

Split one row into multiple rows based on comma-separated string column

sql amazon-athena presto

How to convert a date format YYYY-MM-DD into integer YYYYMMDD in Presto/Hive?

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Checking if key exists in Presto value map

presto trino

OFFSET on AWS Athena

Amazon Athena: Convert bigint timestamp to readable timestamp

Athena unable to parse date using OpenCSVSerde

Combine rows into a list in PrestoSQL

presto trino

How to convert timestamp to date in Presto?

sql presto trino

Issues with JSON_EXTRACT in Presto for keys containing ' ' character

sql presto

How to concatenate arrays grouped by another column in Presto?

sql presto trino

substr at Amazon Athena

amazon-athena presto

How to convert string into timestamp in Presto (Athena)?

Converting Unix epoch time to extended ISO8601

Time diff in Amazon Athena / Presto (seconds and minutes )

presto amazon-athena

Presto performance tuning, queries are much slower when performed in parallel