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New posts in preferenceactivity

set custom font for text in PreferenceScreen

What is the name of SharedPreferences file name?

AppCompatPreferenceActivity strange padding on left and right in Android 4.4

Android Back Button Doesn't Return to Previous Activity

Show up-Button in actionBar in subscreen preferences

Dynamically create CheckBoxPreferences

How to handle long text in preferences on Android?

add action bar with back button in preference activity

Android get view of Preference in PreferenceActivity

Building Compatibility PreferenceFragment on Android

SharedPreferences will not save/load in PreferenceActivity

How to get elements(findViewById) for a layout which is dynamically loaded(setView) in a dialog?

PreferenceFragment crashing, Null object Reference

Using non-default preferences in PreferenceActivity

Get the Ringtone title from RingtonePreference

DialogFragment in PreferenceActivity

android - How to set custom layout for PreferenceActivity in Android 3.0?

Keep the actionbar displayed in when changing PreferenceScreen

How to add ToolBar in PreferenceActivity?

Android- deprecated method warning regarding PreferenceActivity