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New posts in powershell-2.0

Closing All Explorer Windows in PowerShell

Powershell - SetForegroundWindow

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Powershell array scope; why is my array empty?

PowerShell Tee-Object without overwriting file

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How can I convert a hastable to a json string in powershell?

Load powershell script to be callable at any time

powershell powershell-2.0

How to add-attribute if it doesn't exist using PowerShell?

how to overwrite file content with power shell


How to handle import of file with UTF-8 encoding, codepage = 65001, into SQL server

sql-server powershell-2.0

Test if a TCP port is open without connecting to it

Return the LastWriteTime of a specified registry key on a remote machine

powershell powershell-2.0

Start-job vs. Invoke-command -asjob

PowerShell Select weirdness

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Execute external command with single-hypen parameter with equals and period

powershell powershell-2.0

Powershell script fails during remote execution but works locally

Using System.Net.WebClient in PowerShell to access a HTTPS URL with SAN Certificate

dot sourcing with relative paths in powershell


Pass a Team City Parameter to a PowerShell file

Like behaviour on different Powershell versions