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New posts in powershell-2.0

How can you set a time limit for a PowerShell script to run for?

PowerShell #requires and .SYNOPSIS don't play nice

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PowerShell Import Pfx, and Private Key "Lost"

Create a manifest for nested PowerShell modules

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Convert Colon Separated String to a PowerShell Dictionary

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powershell : ftp directory listing (help on a script)

why does a scriptblock passed as an argument in invoke-commands argumentlist fail?

How to access NoteProperties on the InputObject to a remoting session

What exception type should be used in Powershell to catch a XML parse error due to invalid characters?

Rename parts of file names that match a pattern

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How to get list of drive letters in Powershell 2.0

powershell powershell-2.0

How do I write a script to modify the password expiration values for users on a Windows Server?

ERROR: Description = Invalid query

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How to add a Name NoteProperty to an object?

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Importing CSV from a variable instead of file?

parsing csv powershell-2.0

Powershell determine the remote computer OS

Copy a file including it's relative path

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How to extract data from a text file using R or PowerShell?

Powershell's Invoke-Command won't take in a variable for -ComputerName parameter?

Can't use Get-Service –ComputerName on remote computer