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New posts in postgresql-9.1

Postgresql batch insert or ignore

how to use geometry datatype to postgres table?

postgis st_distance returning incorrect results

How to execute multiple sql files in postgreSQL linux?

Unable to syncdb in GeoDjango App

PostgreSQL: Search all tables of a database for a field called LIKE *active*

Bash: Calling bash script from postgresql trigger function

How to ignore unique violation during insert list of objects which contain set of object

Postgresql ColdFusion CFQuery Block

PostgreSQL Composite Primary Key and Serial increment?

What's the best way in Postgres to store a bunch of arbitrary boolean values for a row?

SQL: filtering rows

limitation of array_agg in Postgresql 9.1

How to create multiple sequences in one table?

incorrect checksum in control file error for postgres 9.1.3 data created in osx-Lion and accessed in osx-snow-leopard

Joining arrays within group by clause

How to disable foreign key constraints in postgresql

change PSQL default user

postgresql cannot connect to server locally

Ordering differences between Postgres instances on different machines (same locale)