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New posts in posix

Can POSIX message queues be used cross user on Linux?

c++ linux posix message-queue

NFS Client library

client posix nfs

Pipes to C++ Streams

c++ ipc posix pipe iostream

Use mmap to allocate memory

c posix mmap

POSIX fopen(NULL,"r")

c io posix fopen

why is POSIX::SigSet is needed here?

linux perl signals posix

What platform independent way to find directory of shell executable in shell script?

Does recv(...) operate this way?

c sockets posix recv

What do /proc/fd file descriptors show?

c++ linux posix

What is the "t" permission on HDFS directories?

hadoop posix hdfs

Warning Implicit Declaration of posix_memalign

c linux gcc posix

Preventing POSIX xargs from attempting to run an empty command

shell posix kill xargs

How to handle getting killed (kill -9) while using Shared Memory?

c posix shared-memory sigkill

POSIX name semaphore does not release after process exits

c linux posix ipc semaphore

How pthread_once() is implemented internally?

Re-open file read-only in Linux (or POSIX) [duplicate]

c linux posix

Capturing stdout of a command in SML

posix sml smlnj

How to wait for the other end of a named pipe to be open?

c++ c unix posix named-pipes

Unmentioned errors in POSIX

c posix language-lawyer

what if _POSIX_VDISABLE value is -1?
