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New posts in poltergeist

List child elements for a Capybara/Poltergeist element

Poltergeist/PhantomJS crashing in Gitlab CI

Capybara::Poltergeist Status error, failed to reach server

Using url_for in Rails/Capybara/Poltergeist spec sends the driver to example.com instead of the app

Check alert box text in Capybara

Poltergeist Stripe checkout.js

@javascript cucumber tests pass using selenium driver but fail when using poltergiest

How do I drag and drop using poltergeist?

Rails Phantomjs, poltergeist, and Capybara not playing well together

How do I configure Capybara to work with Poltergeist?

Increasing timeout of poltergeist

Cannot do save_screenshot give NotSupportedByDriver in Capybara/Poltergeist

capybara poltergeist

How to instruct phantomjs to avoid timeout when using binding.pry

How can I test Stripe.js using poltergeist and Capybara?

Temporarily set js_errors to false in Poltergeist

Gem integration tests fail with jQuery not found

Ruby: Phantom.js blocked on specific site?

How can I get the current hostname and port when running Capybara with Poltergeist? [duplicate]

How can I write javascript tests that don't timeout or fail randomly with rspec, capybara, and poltergeist?