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How do I get the primary key(s) of a table from Postgres via plpgsql?

sql postgresql plpgsql

PL/pgSQL checking if a row exists

Loop over array dimension in plpgsql

Debug PostgreSQL function using pgAdmin

Difference between language sql and language plpgsql in PostgreSQL functions

How do I do large non-blocking updates in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL 9.1 pg_restore error regarding PLPGSQL

Postgres FOR LOOP

Return multiple fields as a record in PostgreSQL with PL/pgSQL

PostgreSQL IF statement

Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter

Store select query's output in one array in postgres

sql arrays postgresql plpgsql

What are '$$' used for in PL/pgSQL

How to return result of a SELECT inside a function in PostgreSQL?

How to create function that returns nothing

Store query result in a variable using in PL/pgSQL

Truncating all tables in a Postgres database