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Postgres FOR LOOP

I am trying to get 25 random samples of 15,000 IDs from a table. Instead of manually pressing run every time, I'm trying to do a loop. Which I fully understand is not the optimum use of Postgres, but it is the tool I have. This is what I have so far:

for i in 1..25 LOOP    insert into playtime.meta_random_sample    select i, ID    from   tbl    order  by random() limit 15000 end loop 
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user2840106 Avatar asked Oct 02 '13 19:10


People also ask

How do I loop a record in PostgreSQL?

Postgresql loop insert In Postgresql, the loop can be used to insert data into the table, suppose we want to insert some kind of data, again and again, then we can use the loop. Let' create a table named dummy. CREATE TABLE dummy(id int); The above code will create a new table named dummy with one column named id.

1 Answers

Procedural elements like loops are not part of the SQL language and can only be used inside the body of a procedural language function, procedure (Postgres 11 or later) or a DO statement, where such additional elements are defined by the respective procedural language. The default is PL/pgSQL, but there are others.

Example with plpgsql:

DO $do$ BEGIN     FOR i IN 1..25 LOOP       INSERT INTO playtime.meta_random_sample          (col_i, col_id)                       -- declare target columns!       SELECT  i,     id       FROM   tbl       ORDER  BY random()       LIMIT  15000;    END LOOP; END $do$; 

For many tasks that can be solved with a loop, there is a shorter and faster set-based solution around the corner. Pure SQL equivalent for your example:

INSERT INTO playtime.meta_random_sample (col_i, col_id) SELECT t.* FROM   generate_series(1,25) i CROSS  JOIN LATERAL (    SELECT i, id    FROM   tbl    ORDER  BY random()    LIMIT  15000    ) t; 

About generate_series():

  • What is the expected behaviour for multiple set-returning functions in SELECT clause?

About optimizing performance of random selections:

  • Best way to select random rows PostgreSQL
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Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Erwin Brandstetter