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PHP Fatal error: Class 'CTestCase' not found in

php phpunit yii

How to test Magento POST controller action - using (or not) EcomDev PHPUnit module

magento post phpunit

Correct way to check if a class has a constant defined with PHPUnit

warning: "Cannot find file '/3' locally. To fix it set server name by environment variable PHP_IDE_CONFIG and restart debug session."

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Which unit testing framework do you use for Symfony?

Get the Nth element with XPath - when element[N] fails

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How do I install PHPUnit 3.5, instead of 3.6?

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PHPUnit testing individually in Symfony


What is the difference between behat, mink and selenium in php

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Set Expected Exception in Codeception Functional Cept

Is it possible to use PHPUnit assertions without extending PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase?

How to capture a screenshot with PHPUnit and Selenium2 when the test fails?

PHPUnit mocking - fail immediately when method called x times

Is it realistic to start using unit testing when you're almost done?

Installing PHPUnit on MAMP 2.1.3 (Mountain Lion)

Laravel Testing with storage fake

php laravel phpunit faker

how do we specify --testdox in phpunit.xml rather than as command line option?

php phpunit

How to execute code after trigger_error(..., E_USER_WARNING) in unit test (PHPUnit)?

php unit-testing phpunit

How to safely unit-test write operations in Symfony 2?

Getting and using parent directory through ANT