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sudo: pecl7.2-sp: command not found

How to add php gd extension to Dockerfile

PHP http_build_url() and PECL Install

PHP Extension using libtidy compiles, but does not load

php linux tidy php-extension

XML Extension not found

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How do I compile a PHP extension with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008?

SEG Fault in PHP extension

PHP 5.6: headers_sent intermittently returns true, empty file name, and line 0

Renaming Functions during runtime in PHP

How to return array from a PHP extension, without copying it in memory?

Passing a variable by reference into a PHP extension

What class entries should I use to throw non-default exceptions from a C extension?

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Install PHP intl extension on MacOS [closed]

php macos xampp php-extension

PHP Windows extensions won´t load

Gmagick extension for php install -- how and where?

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library)

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PHP extension vs. library (and can it be converted)

php libraries php-extension

Resource garbage collected too early

PHP Sql Server PDOException:could not find driver