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pdo dblib on centos 6.x

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Install PECL Memcached Error

Installing OAuth PECL package on PHP 5 on OS X

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Changing Pecl installation directory

Pecl oci8 failed install after upgrade to PHP5.6

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Upload progress bar using php and jquery

Enabling PHP Code Assist for different PECL extensions in Eclipse

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Is it possible to use PECL extensions in HipHop?

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OAuth not being picked up by PHP after installing it via PECL

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Install php_trader.dll in WAMP Server (3.0.6 x64 ) on Windows

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PECL AMQP vs. php-amqp

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oci_connect Blank Page in PHP

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memcached installation error

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Pecl phpize failed config.m4 not found

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Using sudo: Registry directory is still not writeable by the current user. Why?

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PHP Fatal error: Class 'HttpRequest' not found

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read-only php.ini file is preventing saving new configuration

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PHP Inclued for Windows?

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phpize Can't find PHP headers in /usr/include/php

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pecl installs for previous php version

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